Ever since that day, for quite a long period of time I must confess, I draped my mother's dupattas and wore headbands as tiaras and believed that one day I would be Miss.Universe too.
Sad, I know!
But such was my life.
I remember the contests being beautiful, ethereal and almost fairy tale like. Recently I read an article stating that the Miss.Universe Organization headed by Donald Trump has decided to have a lingerie photo shoot of all the contestants. The prominent display of skin show topless-ness besmirches the name of such a competition. I'd just like to make clear that I, in no way support beauty pageants such as these, but the introduction of skin show and the flaunting of bikini clad bodies take away what remains at the very essence of these competitions.
Why is it necessary to have a 'best body' competition for a Miss.Universe/World pageant when the actual duties of the winner is not in the least related to it? Instead of promoting a good body image and self confidence inducing theme for young girls, they show a bunch of giggly model types wearing barely nothings and the all important country sash jumping up and down and behaving bimbo-tic.
The 'beauty with brains' is such a pathetic excuse. Most contestants answer the questions in such an incomprehensible way as seen in this video.
While going through my regular news website I saw that Miss.Universe 2010 had started and the National Costume competition was taking place. Here is a select few costumes that are absolutely horrendous!

I never knew there was a country called Kosovo and who would want to wear a gold cow/goat on their head!??

The most colorful shower curtain.... err.. dress.

I like the traditional dress but is she wearing boots, is she wearing socks or both? It plays with your mind!

We regret to inform you that Miss.Turkey has been replaced by Cousin It from the Addams Family.

Miss.Venezuela, Lady Gaga called. She wants her clothes back.

Miss.Albania is proud to channels a Las Vegas show girl.

The originality baffles me. Note how the costume looks uncannily like Blair's dress in Season 2 :

This is the national dress of my country too. Except we call it komanam.
You crack me up :P :D
But its so true. Wth was India wearing :/
Susy boooo!!!
And she doesn't look like Miss.Universe material too!
They should have sent us, no!?
Nice ! The snaps did catch the eye! ;) . . thats y they hav the beauty contests .. it never was for anyother reason .. tey were all an eye wash
for Columbia thing
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